My wife caught my chaturbating I am going to be on the couch for a month!
That was the subject of an email I received the other day from one of my buddies. Most of my friends know I work in adult so they always come to me with porn site related questions or problems. They seem to think I can tell them why The Hun was loading slow, why the updates on Porn Hub have sucked lately, or why the Live Jasmine adult cam ad pops up on ever single porn site they visit. For some reason they think I am a porn king pin. Trying to explain to them that because I work on a few adult sites doesn’t mean I work on all of them is futile.
The chaturbate email did make me laugh though because this is one adult cam site I am familiar with. My buddy basically got caught with his dick in his hand while watching an adult cam model on chaturbate (aka chaturbating). We have come a long way from getting busted masturbating while reading a Penthouse or Playboy magazine. Now guys are getting busted chaturbating. I cringe to think of the number of college age guys this summer that will have mom walk in on them. They will be sitting with their meat log in their right hand while fumbling for the mouse in their left trying to zoom in on some hot cam model ramming a dildo in her snatch. Boy have times changed thanks to adult cam networks.
Anyway back to my buddy. He was in a bit of a panic. I don’t think his wife even knew he was into porn let alone getting off while watching live sex shows. I just had to call him to find out what the hell happened (for my own humor of course). The conversation went like this.
Me: Dude got your email what happened?
Buddy: Man I got caught chaturbating by Anne
Me: (playing stupid) WTF is chaturbating?
Buddy: Man this is serious don’t mess around you are the one that told me about chaturbate and chaturbating this is your fault.
Me: My fault? How the fuck is it my fault? Why are you camming when she is home.
Buddy: She was asleep in the other room I was up in my office. I didn’t even hear her come up the stairs.
Me: So were youuuu???
Buddy: Yes I had my fuckin pants around my ankles. She screamed “what the hell!” at me and ran downstairs.
Me: (trying to get the image out of my head) She will get over it.
Buddy: This was yesterday she still hasn’t talked to me!
Me: For crying out loud Anne isn’t that uptight. Have her join you next time.
Buddy: You know she isn’t like that. fuck
Me: Next time check out LovelyAnne she is a popular cam girl on chaturbate. You can say you were confused and thought it was her.
Buddy: You are no fucking help. I gotta go <click>
I haven’t heard from him since but I am sure they will work it out. Have any of you been caught Chaturbating? If so contact me and let me know how it went down.
Now I couldn’t close out this weeks adult cam blog update without featuring a cam girl so why not chaturbates LovelyAnne just to piss off my buddy.
Anne is a 30ish experienced southern babe with legs that go on for what seems forever straight into a perfect ass. With big juicy tits on a fit body she is worth a “look see”. In honor of my friends misfortune check out LovelyAnne today. Get to chaturbating furiously while you watch her live sex show. Just don’t get caught!